We let our portfolio speak
for our strategy


We let our portfolio speak
for our strategy

Ursa Major



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We are thrilled to announce Bryan Ciambella as PROOF's newest General Partner. Bryan first worked with PROOF as a network VC and introduced the team to several promising startups including Jackpocket and RepeatMD. Please join us in welcoming Bryan to the team!
Check out our latest episode of finding PROOF! This week, @JennySchretter and @tdelist spend time with @atferber, Co-Founder and Partner of @GreenEggVC, an early-stage fund that discovers, invests in, and supports software startups that are solving problems for businesses across multiple verticals.
Happy #EarthDay2023! Many of our startups are doing their part to protect the Earth! 🧵
This Presidents' Day, we have been contemplating leadership and what makes someone a great leader. What are the traits you look for in determining a great leader and founder? #Leadership #VC #Entrepreneurship
Hey #ChatGPT, write us a social media post about venture capital.
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Yesterday, during our weekly all-hands meeting, we decided to have a @drinkmudwtr :balance tumeric taste test. The consensus: pretty delicious.